Minifestival of Furmints in Košice. Visitors will be able to taste more than 50 furmints from 20 wineries from the whole Tokaj wine region (Hungary and Slovakia), and also furmints from other wine regions. More than 10 wineries are expected to bring their dry Furmints, in addition to other bottles from their portfolios.
According to Tim Atkin MW, furmint is like a white grape supergroup. It’s got it all: the pungent aromatics of Sauvignon Blanc; the richness and oak-friendliness of Chardonnay; the minerality and acidity of Riesling. Somehow it manages to combine all these attributes into one unified whole. Not surprisingly, it is often a pretty intense experience.
Furmint is most widely grown in the Tokaj wine region, also grown in the small Hungarian wine region of Somló, and in Austria where it is known as Mosler. Smaller plantings are found in Slovenia where it is known as Šipon. The grape is also planted in Croatia, Romania and the former republics of the Soviet Union.
17:00 – 24:00 – wine tasting , music, discussion
17:00 – 18:00 – furmint workshop / daniel ercsey / winesofa
19:00 – 20:00 – furmint glass workshop / riedel
- Lenkey Pincészet / HU / Tokaj wine region / Mád
- Demetervin / HU / Tokaj wine region / Mád
- Tokaj Macik Winery / SK / Tokaj wine region / Malá Tŕňa
- Chateu Vecsey / SK / Tokaj wine region / Slovenské Nové Mesto / Lada Furmint, 2015 /
- Kardos Winery / HU / Tokaj wine region / Mád / Betsek Furmint, 2015 /
- Tállya Wines / HU / Tokaj wine region / Tállya / Tállya Wines Furmint, 2014 /
- ProVinum / HU / Tokaj wine region / Erdőbénye / ProVinum Furmint, 2015 /
- Márton Pince / HU / Tokaj wine region / Tállya / Palánta Furmint, 2015 /
- Ábrahám Pince / HU / Tokaj wine region / Erdőbénye / Furmint Doxa, 2015 /
- Víno Vdovjak / SK / Tokaj wine region / Veľká Tŕňa / Furmint Amfora, 2015 /
- Marian Takáč – Vinárstvo u Koňa /SK / Tokaj wine region / Čerhov / Furmint Amfora, 2015 /
- Tassony – Ladislav Tasani / SK / Tokaj wine region / Malá Tŕňa / Furmint 22, 2015 /
- Martin Danko /SK/ Tokaj wine region / Veľká Tŕňa
- Karádi és Berger / HU / Tokaj wine region / Erdőbénye
- Patricius Tokaj / HU / Tokaj wine region / Bodrogkisfalud
- Chateu Grand Bari / SK / Tokaj wine region / Bara
- Tokaj – Oremus / HU / Tokaj wine region / Tolcsva / Oremus Mandolás, 2015 /
- Pataky Dezső / HU / Tokaj wine region / Tarcal / Furmint Pataky Dezső , 2015 /
- Zlatý Strapec / SK / Tokaj wine region / Viničky
- Szent Donát Birtok / HU / Balaton / Csopak / Márga Furmint 2013 & 2015 /
- Tokajicum Borászat / HU / Tokaj wine region / Tarcal / Királygát Furmint 2015 /
- CONRAD FÜRST & SÖHNE / SLO / Podravska wine region / Jeruzalem
- Bott Frigyes / SK / Garam Mente / Belá
- Disznókő / HU / Tokaj wine region / Mezőzombor
winemakers personally present at furmint fórum:
Lenkey Géza (Lenkey Pincészet), Demeter Endre (Demetervin) , Jaroslav Macík (Tokaj Macik Winery), Lászlo Butella (Chateu Vecsey, Tokajicum Borászat), Kardos Gábor (Kardos Winery ), Andrien Demeter (Provinum), Koroknay Gábor (Tállya Wines, Márton Pince), Péter Róbert & Ábrahám Enikő (Ábrahám Pince), Ladislav Tasani (Tassony, OZ Tokajské pivnice), Martin Danko (OZ Tokajské pivnice) Berger Zsolt & Karádi Szilvia (Karádi és Berger), Atilla Nagy (Zlatý Strapec), Milan Lančarič (Chateu Grand Bari), Gabriella Hazslinszky (Disznókő)
music performed by two man band – Wine Boyz (Nándor Polgáry & guest)