Biggest furmint festival in Slovakia. Except furmints from Tokaj wine region, the visitors will be able to taste Furmints from Slovenia, the south Slovakian – Južnoslovenská wine region, Hungarian Somló and Csopak wine regions. More than 100 furmints from more than 30 vintners.
Visitors will be able to taste of light white wines, full bodied whites, sparkling wines, orange wines or semi-sweet and natural sweet wines.
It is one of the most important grape varieties cultivated in the East Central Europe. It is also suitable for making a lihgt white wines, full bodied whites or semi-sweet and natural sweet wines. The main ingredient one of the world’s best sweet dessert wines – Aszú. Except Tokaj wine region furmint is cultivated in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria or Hungarian Somló , Csopak wine region or south slovakian Južnoslovenská wine region.
For more information about the event, ticket, exhibitors, please see the festival web page :