A series of unique cultural, wine and local food events in Village of Tállya. The festival was named by Kerek-domb or “Round-hill” vineyard in Tállya.
The vineyard with great past, characterized by andesite soil and wines with vigorous acidity.
Program including:
- members of Historical Wine Route Association opens their mansions and gardens for festival visitors with open wine cellars and home made dishes
- theatre plays, cinema, concerts, thematic talks & programs, fun for kids, sport events
- crafts fair
- lunch and dinner tasting of traditional zempléni dishes at Oroszlános Wine Restaurant
- crafts fair, vineyard tours organized by Oroszlános Wine Restaurant
- wine competition
- Kerekdomb half-marathon (#winerunner)
Participating wineries:
- Dudovics István Pincészete
- Homoky Pincészet
- Szalóczi Pincészet
- Hollókői Mihály Pincészete
- Pintes vendégház
- Európa Centruma Pinceborozó
- Hollókői József Pincészete
- Zsadányi Pincészet
- Bagolyvár Pincészet
- Kaláka Pince
- Kiss György Családi Pincészete
- Budányi Pincészet
- Szűcs Pince
- Participating distillery – Szóráth Kisüsti Pálinka – Tokaj-Hegyalja
Festival entry:
one-day ticket : 4 000 HUF / person
three-day ticket : 10 000 HUF / person / presale: 8 000 HUF / person
pre-sale : tixa.hu