Festival with several great artisan and larger wineries in village of Bodrogkeresztúr. Small town, named by the river that flows right along the town, called Bodrog.
Wine event with live music, performances, crafts and a variety of tasting events. After all that, there’s dancing to genuinely authentic folk music, which adds to the the buzzing atmosphere.
Following wineries are participating :
- Balassa Bor
- Bodrog Borműhely
- Bott Pincészet
- Füleky Pincészet
- Patricius Borház
- Puklus Pincészet
- Rozgonyi Pince
- Tokaj Nobilis
Restaurants & Crafts:
- Anyukám Mondta Étterem – Encs
- Sárga Borház Étterem – Mezőzombor
- Lebuj Étterem – Bodrogkeresztúr
- BodrogSmooker – Bodrogkisfalud
- Betlehem Pihenőház
- Csicsörke Lekvárkülönlegességek
- Hegyalja Éléskamrája
- Ambrus Tanya sajtjai
- Zempéni Sajt- Szilágy Tibor
- Tokaj Wine Vinegar Manufactory